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Every story begins with the birth of a hero....or a villain.
In order to register an account, you must be 13 years of age or older.

You must read our Terms of Service and Privacy Statement (links located in the footer at the bottom of page) By registering you are accepting our terms of service and privacy statement.
Usernames must be no more than 30 alphanumeric characters.

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Passwords should be greater than 8 characters.

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A verification code will be sent to the address above, and you will not be able to log in without first entering the code. Please be sure to enter your correct email address. We do not sell emails or any account information to third parties.

Character Name:
Character Class: Arcane Dragon is sleek and intelligent, grows quickly, and is a master of magic, relying on arcane energies and knowledge to protect the realm.

Warrior Dragon is a muscular tank, high in strength, and grows at a medium rate, bold and aggressively charges at any threat to the realm.

Ranger Dragon is very agile and quick, but slow growing, and defends not only the realm, but also the forests and animals that are allowed to live there.

See Help for more information about character classes and difficulty levels.

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